JC Police statistics show a “Safer 26 in ’24” campaign is working

Since being launched by Johnson City Police Chief Billy Church in January, statistics from the multi-jurisdictional ‘A Safer 26 in ‘24’ campaign is showing strong results. The Johnson City Police Department is working with the Tennessee Highway Patrol and other state agencies, as well as area law enforcement teams, to increase patrols to promote traffic safety on Interstate 26.
During the first four full months of the campaign (Jan. 26 – May 27), officers with JC recorded nearly 1,600 traffic stops with speeding being the main offense. One fatality was reported on I-26 turning the timeframe . During the same period in 2023, there were three. JCPD recorded 108 crashes during the first four months of the campaign, compared to 153 during the same time period in 2023.